>If that checks out, I'd try to track their session through the web logs. We
>recently had the same issue with randomly expiring sessions. It turned out
>that the client had a proxy that was changing their IP every minute or so;
>that, combined with or custom anti-session hijacking checks, was the cause
>of the lost sessions.

I did ask them if they were behind a proxy or firewall or something similar, as 
something like this did occur to me as a possible cause but the information I 
have to go on is that they have users in multiple locations seeing it, and at 
least in one case they have many other computers in the same office that don't 
show the problem and only a couple that do. We're not using any IP checks for 
hijacking, other methods are in place for that (which I did remove temporarily 
just to make sure it didn't have anything to do with it...it didn't). It's 
really, really baffling. 

Oh, FYI, the server is running CF 9.01 

--- Mary Jo

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