Are you sure it's actually the loop slowing down or is it your browser
slowing down from all the cfflush-ing? Try removing the cfflush and track
the time it takes by writing the execution time to an array then dump out
the array after the loop completes and compare your results. That will at
least help you narrow down if it's truly a problem with the loop.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 4:03 PM, <> wrote:

> Looking for any ideas here.
> I'm running a cfloop over a query from a database with a little over
> 60,000 records in it on MSSQL. I am doing a cfflush so I can watch what
> record it is on so I can keep up with how quickly or slowly the loop is
> running. The problem is after about 4850ish records the loop slows waaay
> down. Any idea why the speed change or how I can stop it from happening?
> All I am doing is querying 2 columns and based on the data in those 2 I
> am updating 3 other columns. So it looks up the data then loops over it
> then updates each record with some new data. Runs great till about 95%
> of the loop. Looking for any ideas out there.

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