Russ wins! 

That is indeed what was happening. In the Application.cfm file, there's some 
code that checks to see if a user has logged in. I moved my files to a 
with its own Application.cfm file, which contained no content, and now it's 
working just fine.


----- Original Message ----
From: Russ Michaels <>
To: cf-talk <>
Sent: Fri, March 11, 2011 6:44:36 PM
Subject: Re: CFSchedule

You have a form based login on that url, thus why the scheduled task wont
run.The username/password fields in the cfschedule tag are for web server
authentication. You need to exclude the scheduled task outside of your login
routine or use webserver authentication instead.

On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 9:00 PM, Scott Williams

> Hi all --
> I'm trying to use CFSchedule to have automatic emails sent. I don't have
> access
> to the CF Administrator, so I'm using the CFSchedule tag. So far it hasn't
> worked. Here's my code:
> <cfschedule action="update" task="eMailToDoList" operation="HTTPRequest"
> url="";
> startdate="1/1/2011" starttime="12:00 PM" enddate="12/31/2011"
> username="SF300"
> password="Sw578668" interval=once resolveurl="no" publish="no">
> I included this code in a template, uploaded it to the website, then ran
> the
> page that contains it. No error messages, so knock wood.
> I next sent and ran a template with this code:
> <cfschedule action="run" task="eMailToDoList">
> My expectation was that the template
> would
> run. I
> did not receive an email. The DailyWhatToDoTodayEmail.cfm page works just
> fine.
> Any idea about why this isn't working?
> Scott

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