I do not and never have.  Not against it, but just never saw the need.


From: "Dain Anderson" <da...@terradotta.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 10:27 AM
To: "cf-talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Subject: Do people still name their UPDATE, INSERT & DELETE queries?

I may have missed conversation of this over the years, so I figured I 

What's the current "take" on this (old?) practice? If I have a CFC 
that deletes a record, and that CFC contains a single query, do you find 
necessary to scope that query with a name?

<cffunction name="DeleteMe">
<cfset var q = "" />
<cfquery datasource="#variables.ds#" name="q">
delete mah stuff...

I've been refactoring some CFCs and ran into some named deletions and
thought this seemed odd to name them -- thoughts?


*Dain M. Anderson
*Lead Developer
Terra Dotta, LLC
501 W. Franklin Street, Suite 105
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Phone/Fax: 877-DOTTA-77 (877-368-8277)
http://TerraDotta.com <http://terradotta.

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