On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 10:56 PM, Leigh wrote:
>> This here is the output from that function for the public
>> key:
> You lost me ;-) Which function and what value(s) does that string represent?

LOL :)  Sorry.

That is the output from the delphi function he posted.


Tweaked to this:
RSA1.GetPublicKey (TempModulus, TempInverse);
// show the hex value
Edit1.Text := TempString;

So I could copy and paste the result from the key. =)

Turns out you can just drop that function into the demo code for the
library, which Brook basically posted a link to.

So that is a hex representation of the 512 bit RSA public key.  Theoretically.

Pascal and assembly were the first languages I actually tried to do
stuff with, way back in the day.  Delphi is all fancy, but I wondered
if it would be easy to try out the function-- and it was.  Woohoo!

If you convert that hex, does it work?  That's the million dollar
question, I reckon.  I'll get around to trying it myself, but I'm
working on some other stuff right now.  Just thought that would be a
nice bit of data to have, theoretical or no.  :-)

I find challenges like this one specifically, enjoyable.  Nice break
from the "we need it yesterday" report for the IRS that burned a lot
of cycles.  ;-)


Science is what you know, philosophy is what you don't know.
Bertrand Russell

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