If you are using CF 9 or Railo, I'd look into the new caching
functions. CF9 uses ehCache if I recall. Railo can use ehCache,
memcached and a couple of others. You can serialize your query, do an
SHA1 hash of the serialized object to use as a key, put the query into
the cache with the hash as the key name, relocate and pass along the
key name and then fetch it back out of the cache via the key name.

This is a very scalable and high performance solution. Read up on
caching, it rocks. The functions you'll want to look up, btw, are
CachePut, CacheGet and related items.


On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 7:56 AM, Eric Cobb <cft...@ecartech.com> wrote:
> Given the following scenario, what would be the best way to persist the
> data across the cflocation call?
> I have page A, which includes page B, which does a cflocation to page
> C.  Query results returned in page A need to be available in page C.
> Since we're doing a cflocation, which starts a new request, storing the
> query results in the request scope doesn't work, and a query result set
> can't be passed as a url variable in the cflocation tag.
> Is storing the query results in the session scope on page A, then
> retrieving it on page C my best option?  Either that or calling the
> query on both page A and page C?  I was really hoping there was an
> easier way (like storing it in the request scope!), but I can't seem to
> figure it out.
> --
> Thanks,
> Eric Cobb
> http://www.cfgears.com
> Help me make a difference this summer.http://bit.ly/i8dJvQ

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