---- Dave Watts <dwa...@figleaf.com> wrote: 
> This looks like a pretty good set of CF security links:
> http://www.owasp.org/index.php/ColdFusion_Security_Resources

OWASP has local chapters also if people have one near them. I have 
attended some meetings of our local chapter and you get an excellent 
perspective on web security overall.

ISSA chapters are also available in a lot of locations which covers 
a lot of things about security. Our local ISSA chapter puts on a 
one day information security conference each year which has been 
very informative. 

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/roger-austin/8/a4/60
Twitter:  http://twitter.com/RogerTheGeek
Blog:     http://rogerthegeek.wordpress.com/

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