On 30/03/2011 10:28, ccie 6862 wrote:
> We have a server running ColdFusion MX 7 on Windows 2003 i386 with 4GB of 
> memory. A couple of months ago, we started to receive the 
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError error prior to requiring a reboot. Restarting the 
> CF service fixes the problem, usually for a couple of days. I've run across 
> increasing java vm max memory allocation or working memory, but I'm at a loss 
> as to where these changes need to be made.

In CFAdmin look at the Java and JVM section in the Server Settings area.

There are two input fields for the Minimum and Maximum JVM Heap size. I 
cannot remember what the default is but it would do you good to wind the 
Maximum one up to 1024. If that does not fix the problem then you start 
looking at things like increasing the XX:MaxPermSize down in the bottom 
section called JVM Arguments.


Kym Kovan

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