And while there isn't anything inherently bad about iframes, people
considering that route should look into the potential security issues
involved. Browsers have really tightened up their security around
hidden iframes, cross domain http communication, cross domain cookies,
etc. Once again, not necessarily wrong, per se, but you very well
wander into an annoying set of problems that you might be able to
avoid using an ajax framework like JQuery or Dojo.


On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 9:53 AM, Dave Watts <> wrote:
>> I just want to make sure my understanding is correct in that
>> true AJAX doesn't involve an iFrame and the only time one need
>> make use of an iFrame for ajax is when a file has to be transferred.
>> Note, that I said the only time an iFrame is "needed" is for the
>> transfer of a file, not that it can't be used for "faux" ajax all the time.
>> Would this be correct?  I just don't want my understanding to
>> be incorrect...
> Your understanding is correct. The "A" in AJAX stands for
> asynchronous, and is used to refer to using XmlHttpRequest to make
> requests "in the background" rather than by changing the location of a
> window. XmlHttpRequest doesn't support file uploads, which is why you
> have to handle file uploads differently.
> Before XmlHttpObject was introduced, web developers used iframes and
> frames to do all the same sorts of things

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