Another way to do it is to serialize the object in a base64 string.
I've had some great success using this method to persist complex
objects to the database.

function serializeObject(object){
        var local               = structNew();
        local.byteOut   = createObject("java", "");
        local.objOut    = createObject("java", "");
        return toBase64(local.byteOut.toByteArray());

function deserializeObject(objectString){
        var local = structNew();
        local.inputStream = createObject("java", 
        local.objIn = createObject("java", "");
        local.returnObj = "";
        local.returnObj = local.objIn.readObject();
        return local.returnObj;

I've been using this in for a long time.

John Blayter
Land line: 303.731.3009
Mobile: 303.325.1979

Denver ColdFusion User Group Manager

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Jeff Garza <> wrote:
> Arrays are easy as you can simply use Arraytolist() to convert it to a
> delimited text string and then use ListtoArray() to convert back once you
> get it out.  Though, CF has some really nice list functions, so you might
> not even have to do that.  Also, select boxes return comma separated lists
> back to CF when a form is submitted (ditto for checkboxes with the same
> name)... So that might work in your favor.
> For structures though, WDDX is your friend, and quite easy to do...
> Try <cfwddx action="CFML2WDDX" input="#workweek#" output="workweekXML">
> Then stuff workweekXML into the database field.
> When you retrieve the data back out of the database, use cfwddx again to
> convert back to a CF structure
> <cfwddx action="WDDX2CFML" input="queryname.databaseWDDXField"
> output="localStructVariable">
> Just make sure that your db field can handle a decent sized chunk of data,
> especially if  you are allowing user defined data in this column as the WDDX
> format can get kinda bloated.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Bourg []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 10:41 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Storing Arrays or Structures in a database
> I've got really large sets of data that are related to each day of the week
> and the hour. Rather then creating a massive table containing these values,
> I have stored them in a Structure, but I can't seem to get Structures or
> Arrays to insert into a database. How can I store an array or structure in a
> MS 2008 SQL server?
> Array Code:
> <cfset name="Adam" />
> <cfscript>
> // 7 days, day 0 = Mon, Day 7 = sun
> workWeek=["t","t","f","t","f","t","f"];
> </cfscript>
> <cfinvoke method="injectData" component="anubis">
>        <cfinvokeargument name="name" value="#name#" />
>    <cfinvokeargument name="workWeek" value="#workWeek#" />
> </cfinvoke>
> <cffunction name="injectData" access="public" returntype="void"
> hint="Injects the Employee App form data">
> <cfquery datasource="DSN" name="insertData"> INSERT INTO
> mod_employmentAppProfile(
>        name,
>        workWeekendsEvenings
> )
>    #ARGUMENTS.workWeek#
> )
> </cfquery>

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