Well, by doing some research on the Solr boards and lists, I was able to figure 
out the problem. It appears to be due to CF committing after every cfindex tag 
and this causes Solr to open a new searcher and "auto warm" it (load from 
cache). If you are committing more frequently than the warming process, these 
searches pile up and you hit the error. So if you have a page that runs a lot 
of cfindex tags (as my unit tests were) you can easily hit this error. Problem 
is, I'm not sure how we can work around this easily. I tried setting the 
autoWarmCounts to 0 to see if I could reduce the startup time (and since my app 
does a lot more indexing at runtime than searches so slow startup is not a big 
issue) but I still hit the error when the number of searches exceeded the 
maximum set. I could try setting the limit for warming searches higher (setting 
it to 10 for instance fixes the problem with my tests) but that supposedly is a 
bit of a performance killer. In cases where my users are adding a batch of 
these data elements that I'm indexing, I'm almost certainly to bang into that 
limit again. In my case, it may mean we simply cannot use Solr for this, unless 
there's someway to batch the commits and just do one single one at the end of 
the request. What we need is something like a cftransaction tag for the cfindex 

--- Mary Jo

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