I'm one of the developers working on a CFML wrapper for the highrise 
API (highrise.riaforge.org) and we're starting to plan out how we're 
going to organize the file structure. 

We have a few choices: 
1) Separate file for each type of object (people, task, note, etc) 
2) One big CFC file containing functions for each. 

Although it seems like a no brainer to go with #1, I figured it might 
be easier for CF developers to integrate into their projects if there 
was just a single file to include, rather then a big library. 
Advanced users could just strip out what they didn't want/need. 

The 2nd question is about function encapsulation.  On the people 
object, http://developer.37signals.com/highrise/people, there seem to 
be 7 different variations of "GET person" that could all be combined 
into a single getPerson() function that had (at least) 7 different 
arguments.  It seems like we could shrink the codebase a lot more this 

Any suggestions for file & function organization? 

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