<cfquery> tag has absolutely nothing to do with any browser - it is 
executed by cf on the server side.

i would check your page's html and javascript instead - that's where 
browser differences can come into play.

how do you submit your form to add item to cart - ajax or regular form 
how do you display updated cart info on the page - ajax or page refresh?
is your html correctly formed and does it validate properly? ff is 
pickier than ie when it comes to malformed html and this may cause it to 
submit other data to your cart update script than what you expect.
use firebug to check what form data really gets submitted in ff.


On 19/04/2011 06:55 , Dan Blickensderfer wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I have a really strange issue that I can not figure out how to fix it.  I
> have a simple shopping cart and everything works exactly the way it should
> in ie7&  ie8 but firefox not so much.
> This is the issue.  When customer clicks on the item to add to cart it first
> checks to see if the item is already in the cart.  If not, insert new
> record.  If found, update the record and add 1 to the qty. Within IE this
> works just as it should, Firefox runs the update query regardless of new
> insert or not.  example.  item ABC new to cart with qty 1  if I look at the
> database table I see the qty is 2.  If the item is already in database with
> qty 1 and item is added to cart the qty is now 3.  I've turned on debug and
> looked at all queries ran and the the correct queries do show.
> It's like there is another update query someplace but there isn't.  I tested
> this by removing the query named "updatecart" and tried the process again
> and new records do get added and the qty is correct with 1 not 2.  With it
> being removed and item is updated to cart. it doesn't get updated like it
> should be.
> This is very very weird!
> The code that I'm having strange is the following.  I just copied the bit
> that I need to show.
> Anybody seen this before?
> Thanks,
> Dan Blickensderfer
> <cfquery name="lookupcart" datasource="#application.datasource#"
> username="#application.username#" password="#application.password#">
>     select rec_id
>     from order_items
>     where rec_status = 'T' and session_uuid =<cfqueryparam
> cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="36" value="#session.cartid#">  and
> products_rec_id =<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"
> value="#variables.recid#">
>    </cfquery>
>    <cfif lookupcart.recordcount is 0>
>     <cfquery name="addcart" datasource="#application.datasource#"
> username="#application.username#" password="#application.password#">
>      insert into order_items (rec_status, session_uuid, products_rec_id,
> product_name, qty, orders_rec_id, ip_address)
>         values ('T',<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="36"
> value="#session.cartid#">,
>         <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#variables.recid#">,
>         <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
> value="#getproduct.product_name#" maxlength="150">,
>         <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="1">,
>         <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"
> value="#lookuporder.rec_id#">,
>         <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
> value="#trim(cgi.REMOTE_ADDR)#" maxlength="17">)
>     </cfquery>
>    <cfelse>
>     <cfquery name="updatecart" datasource="#application.datasource#"
> username="#application.username#" password="#application.password#">
>      update order_items
>      set qty = qty + 1
>      where rec_status = 'T' and rec_id =<cfqueryparam
> cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#lookupcart.rec_id#">
>     </cfquery>
>    </cfif>
> Here is the debug info
> lookupcart (Datasource=XYX, Time=0ms, Records=0) in
> templates\includes\cart-add.cfm @ 18:50:44.044
>                       select *
>                       from order_items
>                       where rec_status = 'T' and session_uuid = ? and 
> products_rec_id = ? Query
> Parameter Value(s) -
> Parameter #1(cf_sql_varchar) = 69B9132F-943D-2A28-E56878FCFEA4A5B6
> Parameter #2(cf_sql_integer) = 17
> addcart (Datasource=XYX, Time=0ms, Records=1) in
> templates\includes\cart-add.cfm @ 18:50:44.044
>                               insert into order_items (rec_status, 
> session_uuid, products_rec_id,
> product_name, qty, orders_rec_id, ip_address)
>                                                       values ('T', ?,
>                                                       ?,
>                                                       ?,
>                                                       ?,
>                                                       ?,
>                                                       ?)
>                       Query Parameter Value(s) -
> Parameter #1(cf_sql_varchar) = 69B9132F-943D-2A28-E56878FCFEA4A5B6
> Parameter #2(cf_sql_integer) = 17
> Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = Green, Yellow&  Orange
> Parameter #4(cf_sql_integer) = 1
> Parameter #5(cf_sql_integer) = 5014
> Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) =

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