I've been working on a CF9 project, and I'm trying to take full advantage of 
the cfscript syntax for my components. I have many cases where I'm using 
dynamic SQL based on the existence of an optional argument in a function. In 
CF8 and below it'd look something like this:

<cffunction name="testFunc" returntype="query">
<cfargument name="testArg" type="string" required="false" />

<cfquery name="testQuery" datasource="testDSN">
<cfif structKeyExists(arguments.testArg)>
COL = '#arguments.testArg#'

<cfreturn testQuery />

Is there an elegant way to do the same thing using cfscript? I haven't had any 
luck with string concatenation in the setSQL method of the query object (and 
it's kind of clunky to boot). I'd also hate to have to write two 
almost-identical blocks of code one with the where clause and one without and 
then apply the correct string to setSQL at runtime, although I assume that 
would solve my problem.

I'd also like to use query binding, just to make things more complicated. Is 
there some sort of cleaner approach that I'm missing, or is this just one of 
the downsides to using cfscript?

Thanks in advance! 

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