Thanks Russ,

Lucky me!  >>"sounds like you may have found a bug in cffileupload"
I'm looking to replace an existing page that simply puts 5 <input
type="file"> tags on one page.

I just downloaded and was checking out Dan Vega's CFMU on riaforge.
The demo didn't work perfectly for me right away so I'm not sure if it
returns the unique name or not.

I'll take a look at the upload on asfusion too.


On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 8:12 PM, Russ Michaels <> wrote:
> sounds like you may have found a bug in cffileupload then, as you don't have
> any control over which filename is passed with oncomplete as far as I can
> see.
> You may have to resort to the old fashioned cffile upload instead, then you
> can use the following attribute.
> serverFile
> Filename of the file saved on the server
> for details on all the cffile attributes returned after AN UPLOAD SEE HERE
> If you want to allow multiple file uploads, you could use the flash uploader
> at
> On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 12:58 AM, Matt Williams <> wrote:
>> I'm using cffileupload to allow users to upload multiple photos into a
>> gallery. For each photo, there is additional processing including
>> resizing, cropping, writing to DB, etc. At the end four new photo
>> files are written. At first I tried doing all of that when the image
>> was uploaded, but that seemed too slow and the user does not need to
>> wait for this processing to happen before continuing.
>> I tried cfthread but for some reason it did not work, plus I'm dealing
>> with CF Standard and the limitations there probably wouldn't help
>> enough.
>> Round three, I created a javascript function to make an ajax call
>> after each photo is uploaded, using the oncomplete attribute of
>> cffileupload. This works. The photo is uploaded quickly, the ajax call
>> happens and users are happy.
>> My problem happens when a file is renamed via the
>> overwrite="makeUnique" setting of cffile. The function called
>> oncomplete includes the FILENAME as part of the js object, but only
>> the original filename and not the new/unique one. I need the unique
>> filename in order to perform the additional processing.
>> Any ideas on how to make this happen better?
>> Thanks,
>> -Matt W

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