On 5/3/2011 9:14 AM, Torrent Girl wrote:
> <cfset getJobs = 
> 'http://www.microsoft-careers.com/Microsoft-Diversity-AAWIT116obs.xml'>

That looks to be a pretty large XML document.  There are definite limits 
on how large of document that xmlParse() can process.  As xmlParse uses 
a DOM parsing methodology, the entire resulting data structure (which 
will be several times larger the the original text document) must fit 
into memory.

If this document is too large to dom parse you need to do something that 
parses it segment by segment, such as a sax parser.  ColdFusion does not 
have a built in sax parser.  I used Ben Nadel's pseudo parser 
once when I needed a quick solution.  One could also dive into the 
underlining Java and access some true sax parser through it.

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