First thought that comes to mind is whether or not,
in your stylesheet or inline applied margin:0px and
padding:0px to prevent the default margins and paddings
applied to certain elements by the browsers.

Use Firebug to check the layout and you can easily spot
margins and borders that have been applied to elements.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Keplinger [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 1:37 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: cfdocument layout precision, labels

I am trying to create label sheets. I noticed quickly that specified sizes
have to be smaller to end up as I need them. For instance, a .5" top margin
must be specified as .4" to give the desired result. The same is true with
table cells. Through trial and error I was able to arrive at what I needed.
I applied borders to the cells just to make the printout easier to measure,
but this seemed to have no effect on the layout; it was just as wrong with
or without borders.

Has anyone run across this issue? Is there a fix?

I am using CF7, which I have no choice about.

Many thanks,

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