If startVal, endVal, and lengthVal represent your values in JS [like var 
startVal = parseInt(myForm.start.value); ], then the following should work:

if (startVal % 3 != 0) {
     alert("Start must be a multiple of 3.");
     return false;
} else if (endVal % 3 != 0) {
     alert("End must be a multiple of 3.");
     return false;
} else if (endVal < startVal) {
     alert("End must be larger than Start.");
     return false;
} else if (endVal > lengthVal) {
     alert("End cannot be larger than Length.");
     return false;
return true;

You could put that into a function and call the function on the form 
onsubmit(return myFunction()).

On 5/6/2011 5:51 PM, Rick Colman wrote:
> I have the following:
> length: xxx    start [       ]   end [     ]
> I would like to test for the following conditions:
> * must be an integer
> * start and end must be evenly divisible by 3
> * end cannot exceed length
> CFINPUT works for type test, but not sure how to generate the javascript
> validation that would be required.
> Rick.

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