Do you have many queries (especially queries ran very often) that do not use
cfqueryparam? Those symptoms remind me of system I worked in once where most
of the queries were not using queryparam or any other form of binding - and
as a result sql's query cache was filling up too often... though I'm sure
many other things could be the culprit : )

What recovery model is your db using?

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Mark A. Kruger <>wrote:

> Scott,
> It might pay to eliminate networking as a possible issue. For example - are
> the ports on the switch trying to "scale up" to 1000/mbs from 100?  This
> could cause what looks like a temporary "hang".  (try statically setting
> ports end to end between the server and db).
> Or perhaps you have  a mixed environment with XP, Linux, Windows server 00
> or 03 along with 2008r2 in it... the 08 OS defaults to larger packet sizes
> on the network and this can cause detrimental effects in mixed networks
> when
> it kicks in.
> -Mark
> Mark A. Kruger, MCSE, CFG
> (402) 408-3733 ext 105
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Weikert []
> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 9:58 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Odd issue with DB "pausing"
> Ok I've got a headscratcher here, would love some input from some other
> brains out there. Sometimes it sucks to be the lone gunman developer. :(
> Got CF8 running using MSSQL. Lately, every now and again (too often) the
> DB appears to hang, anywhere from a minute or so to several minutes. As
> best I can tell (from previous times when it's happened, and I was
> remoting our DB box at the time) the CPU isn't spiking during these
> hangs. It seems to just be connections from our webservers to the
> database that is affected.
> Based on comments from one of my employers working in the system at the
> time, and from a few clients, it seems these hangs are triggered by a
> specific action in our system - a content-save to a particular table,
> that holds the lion's share of client content (webpage content).
> I've tried making changes to said script a couple of times - adjusting
> the query, storedproc-ing it up. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to
> it - different times it hangs, there's different amounts of content
> being saved. One client tends to stuff the most in there - another, not
> nearly so much - and both seem to trigger the hang.
> This behavior is pretty recent - just the last few weeks. And I can't
> for the life of me puzzle out what's different. We had an issue recently
> with an old bug, the "corrupt table" issue, and there was a little bit
> of fiddling with the datasource settings before this issue was somewhat
> resolved, so I have to wonder if something adjusted during that episode
> isn't the cause of this behavior. Nothing in the datasource settings
> screams "ME ME ME I'M THE ONE".
> When the hangs occur, triggered by whatever use on our main webserver,
> it affects the DB connections on the other servers as well - even a web
> environment that is using other databases (dev env) but said other DBs
> are on the same DB server. All servers just sit on "waiting on..." in
> the browser status 'til the hang passes, then all is well again.
> I'm about at my wit's end trying to puzzle this one out - I sure could
> use some nudging in the right direction.
> Thanks in advance -
> --Scott

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