On the Dev UI discussion...I have a related question...  Does the CFBuilder
Plugin work on Eclipse on a linux box?  I can understand the standalone
being a windows only thing as they put the package together using the
Windows Binaries...but would the plugin work?  I wanted to give it a try
again with the new version...but I didn't see a *nix version anywhere.


-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond Camden [mailto:rcam...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2011 02:21 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Homesite 5.5

On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Terry Troxel <terry.tro...@gmail.com>
> I do have a quick question tho:
> What pointers do you have to makes sure a website written in CF8 will 
> work on a smartphone and are there any emulators I could download to 
> test my work?

If we ignore some of the client side capabilities of CF, like the Ajax-ui
stuff, then the answer is - of course. CF generates stuff.
That can HTML. XML. JSON. RayHTML, whatever. Therefore it isn't that CF is
"supported" on a smartphone it's that CF can output anything you want

As for emulators - you can emulate Android phones via the free Android SDK
on any platform. For IOS, unfortunately, you have to have a Mac if you want
the "official" emulator. But you can always get by with Safari and see how
it looks.

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