I'm having a bit of a weird issue with the creation of PDFs. The issue is
quite simple, we have two servers and one is generating PDFs much faster
than the other. The weird thing is that the server which is slow is our
64bit production server running CF 8.0.1 Enterprise and the faster server is
the old 32bit CF 8.0.1 standard box. One would logically expect the big fast
production server to process the PDF much faster. I'm using the exact same
CFML page to generate the PDF including the same data, images, etc.

The problem I'm having is trying to get to the bottom of what is causing the
difference in speed. To that end does anyone know what might cause the CFPDF
service to take a long time to create the PDF? I'm seeing nothing in my logs
and the performance monitor only tells me that the page is slow.

Any ideas are most welcome because this one has me completely stumped.


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