From the Adobe CF documentation on CGI variables 

"In ColdFusion, these variables are referred to as /CGI environment 
variables/. CGI Environment variables contain data about the transaction 
between the browser and the server, such as the IP Address, browser 
type, and authenticated username. The available CGI variables depend on 
the browser and server software..."

"Because the available variables depend on the server, browser, and the 
types of interactions between the two, not all variables are normally 

Steve 'Cutter' Blades
Adobe Community Professional
Adobe Certified Expert
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Co-Author "Learning Ext JS 3.2" Packt Publishing 2010

"The best way to predict the future is to help create it"

On 6/21/2011 5:47 AM, Scott Brady wrote:
> I'm not familiar with that particular CGI variable, but did something change
> on the IIS side?
> On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Bern Weed<>wrote:
>> I'm have an application that has been using CGI variables and working fine.
>>   It stopped working and I'm not sure why of course.  I am using IIS 7 and
>> ColdFusion 9.  I can get it to return  cgi.auth_user but not the
>> cgi.cert_subject and it was working for both. Anyone have any ideas or know
>> of any patches, settings that would affect this.  Thanks.
>> <cfif CGI.auth_user IS NOT "">
>>     <cfoutput>#CGI.cert_subject#</cfoutput>
>>     <cfdump var="#cgi#">
>> <cfelse>
>>     CGI variable does not exist
>> </cfif>

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