Hi John,

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, I dumped the results of the cfcatch.

Strangely, the cflocation is working, but the session.sysmessage is not
working.  So although the use correctly gets returned to the calling page
I'm unable to let them know why.

If you have a link to your blog I'd be very interested to read it, please.



>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Andrew Scott [mailto:andr...@andyscott.id.au]
>>Sent: 30 June 2011 07:57
>>To: cf-talk
>>Jenny, I am going to assume that you have tried to cfdump and abort in the
>>cfcatch to see what the message contains. Failing that I do know that some
>>of these messages have hidden characters and will not match even
>>if you try.
>>I don't have the link handy at the moment, but I did write a blog
>>about this
>>sort of thing some months ago.
>>Andrew Scott
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Jenny Gavin-Wear [mailto:jenn...@fasttrackonline.co.uk]
>>> Sent: Thursday, 30 June 2011 2:20 PM
>>> To: cf-talk
>>> Subject: CFFILE / CFCATCH
>>> I'm trying to cfcatch cffile mime type errors.
>>> I can't see where I'm going wrong.
>>> <cftry>
>>> <cfoutput>
>>> <cffile action="upload" attributes="normal"
>>> destination="#session.currentDirectory#"
>>> filefield="form.fileField" nameconflict="overwrite" accept="image/jpeg,
>>> image/jpg, image/pjpeg, image/gif, image/png"> </cfoutput> <cfcatch
>>> type="any"> <cfif isdefined("cfcatch.Message") and findnocase("not
>>> accepted", cfcatch.Message)> <cfset session.sysmessage = "Please upload
>>> images of type: .jpg, .gif or .png"> <cflocation url="folder-view.cfm">
>>> </cfcatch> </cftry>

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