> Is it possible to go back after the fact and harden a server into a 
> production machine?  Or do we need to start from scratch.

Yes, it's possible to do this. But the big questions depend on how
exactly you plan to use this machine in production. Public web server?
Will it participate in a larger Windows network? Does it run other

> We have a Windows 2008 32 bit server (clean install/patches applied) 
> installed with CF9 out of the box in the C:\Inetpub
> default directory.  We need to quickly move the machine into a production 
> environment.  We already have the domain name
> pointed to that machine and accessible through a URL and we have purchased a 
> security certificate for the URL.  I would
> be happy to send the site address via individual email.
> Unfortunately, no one in our organization is very familiar with 2008, and our 
> network administrator skills are limited.
> We came across
> http://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion/whitepapers/pdf/91025512_cf9_lockdownguide_wp_ue.pdf
> and tried to follow these instructions -- but kept hitting errors and 
> roadblocks.  So most of these steps were not done.
> I have created a new site location on a different drive and added it in the 
> ETC hosts file ( for the primary
> application - but do not know what is needed next.
> Any tips, tricks dumbed down to a non-network adminstrator would be 
> greatfully appreciated.

Well, this is kind of hard, actually. You can't really dumb it down to
a set of tips and tricks. That isn't how a coherent deployment is

I'd recommend that you either (a) hire a consultant to help you with
this process, or (b) try to implement the steps one-by-one and raise
individual questions here for each step that doesn't work. And, one
thing that's important - the lockdown guide, while it's very good,
doesn't really cover OS security. So, you need to do that properly
first if possible.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or on

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