I know that Solr was working on this for its next release (I was
looking over 6 months ago). This would allow free text geographical
searching which may be overkill for what you need but may be able to
just do what you're looking for too.

It may also be worth looking at your db engine, some have spatial data
types that support distance calculations and such.



On 5 July 2011 14:38, Bobby Hartsfield <bo...@acoderslife.com> wrote:
> Hey All,
> It has been a long time since I did a postal code readius search. All of the
> ones I did in the past involved purchasing and maintaining a postal code
> database and I was hoping there were some pretty solid services out there
> for it by now so I didn't have to do that anymore.
> Do any of you know of any services out there that you would qualify as
> "solid" that you can just pass a zip and a distance to and have it send back
> the zips that it finds in the radius?
> I've heard that Google has one and wondered if anyone uses that one in a
> live app as well.
> Thanks.
> .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
> Bobby Hartsfield
> http://acoderslife.com
> http://cf4em.com

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