> I would say it was probably slower in windows 2000, it is a core part of IIS
> now.

Well, honestly, that by itself doesn't really make much of a
difference. It's not like the processing time is spent handing
requests from IIS to CF and back, or that running in-process IIS
applications is significantly faster than running out-of-process IIS
applications (if I recall correctly, you can do both with ASP.NET).

> remember, that cfml has to be compiled into java byte code, processed by
> JRUN and then executed by the JRE, so more steps involved and JRUN certainly
> uses far more system resources than ASP.

That's not much different from what happens with ASP.NET pages. They
start as text, and have to be compiled into bytecode (MSIL, I think
it's called), then executed by the .NET runtime. And JRun using more
system resources shouldn't make a performance difference.

I think the biggest reason for this performance difference is that CF
is quite a bit different from Java - loosely-typed vs strictly-typed,
etc. Whereas, if you write C# code, you're already telling the
compiler a lot more about what to do.

> The advantage of CF was never its execution speed, but rather its RAD speed.

Exactly. And when most web applications spend most of their time on
database queries (which will likely be the same on various platforms)
who really cares that you can run 10000 iterations of something you'd
never actually do faster on platform A vs platform B?

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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