>  when a request comes in to IIS, the ISAPI connector then passes it to 
> ColdFusion, and IIS then has to sit and wait for a response. If lots of 
> requests get hung up this will cause the application pool to crash 
>  which will affect any sites using that application pool. So I would check if 
> all your sites are on the same app pool or not, or perhas 2 of them share 1 
> app pool and 2 share another, which may answer
>  that question of why it is only 2 sites affected, Put them all on their own 
> app pool for a start.

Thanks. We'll check the application pools. 

My server guy is now saying it may be the teaming software used on the network 
cards for failover purposes. We're looking at that also. 

In the meantime I believe it's safe to say... NOT CF RELATED.


Robert B. Harrison
Director of Interactive Services
Austin & Williams
125 Kennedy Drive, Suite 100 
Hauppauge NY 11788
P : 631.231.6600 Ext. 119 
F : 631.434.7022

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