I haven't use dit it but this one is meant to be popular.

Really any firewall product that has good content filtering should be able
to do what you need, the only difference with a web application firewall is
that they ahve already created all the filters for you for common attacks
such as SQL injection etc.

You should also take a look at Microsoft Forefront.


On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Patti, Michael

> I'm looking for a web application firewall that will work with IIS6 and
> ColdFusion 8.  I'd use Fuseguard, except that I need something that is more
> general purpose (i.e. will also work for php, aspx).
> CF411 lists WebKnight as one option, and I'm wondering if anyone out there
> is using that or another WAF in front of their CF applications.
> Thanks,
> Michael

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