Lots of image functions were built into ColdFusion starting with version 8:

Pete Freitag - Adobe Community Professional
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On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Donnie Carvajal <
donnie.carva...@transformyx.com> wrote:

> We are upgrading our system to CF9 64-bit and our CFX tags we use for image
> resizing and info gathering are not working.  We get an "unable to load
> library" error.  Since these tags have been in this application for over 10
> years, I will assume that they were compiled for 16-bit and 64-bit CF on
> Windows 2008 can not process them.  Does anyone know of any CFX tags that
> will run on 64-bit for image manipulation?  Is there anything native to CF 9
> that I can use?
> Thanks,
> Donnie

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