
We are discussing the proper way to initialize a query in a cffunction.  Does 
it make a significant difference to use QueryNew rather than "" (empty string) 
as in the following:

  <cffunction name="test" access="public" returntype="query" output="false">

    <cfset var myQuery = "">

.....or this?
    <cfset var myQuery = QueryNew("col1","col2","VarChar","Time">

      <cfquery name="myQuery" datasource="#myDB#">


I learned to use the first version var myQuery = "" from the CFMX Bible and the 
CF documentation but a colleague believes that this is a mistake and that using 
this approach creates the myQuery variable as a string and not as a query.  
Consequently, it is creating a variable of the wrong type.

Any thoughts on this are welcome.

Thanks, Jerry 

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