Thanks for all of your answers. I tried a few of the suggestions but they weren't quite right.
Bill Franklin's answer, while not complete, made me rethink what I was doing from a different point of view. My error was that I was chaining all of the record together as though I was trying to select data from the chained tables. All I really cared about was that if it was not EVERYONE, that a poll X group X student relationships existed. I only needed one record to prove that. The solution, which works, is below: <cfquery name="random_poll" datasource="#dsn#"> SELECT TOP 1 portal_polls.poll_id, portal_polls.question, portal_polls.answer1, portal_polls.answer2, portal_polls.answer2, portal_polls.answer4, portal_polls.answer4, portal_polls.number_answers FROM portal_polls WHERE (portal_polls.start_date < #Now()# and portal_polls.end_date > #Now()#) and (everyone=1 OR exists (SELECT DISTINCT poll_id FROM portal_groups_x_polls, portal_groups_x_students WHERE portal_groups_x_polls.poll_id=portal_polls.poll_id and portal_groups_x_students.group_id=portal_groups_x_polls.group_id and portal_groups_x_students.student_user_id=#session.userid#)) and not exists (SELECT poll_id FROM portal_students_x_polls_completed WHERE portal_students_x_polls_completed.poll_id=portal_polls.poll_id and portal_students_x_polls_completed.student_user_id=#session.userid#) ORDER BY NEWID(); </cfquery> Thanks Everyone! Robert B. Harrison Director of Interactive Services Austin & Williams 125 Kennedy Drive, Suite 100 Hauppauge NY 11788 P : 631.231.6600 Ext. 119 F : 631.434.7022 Great advertising can't be either/or. It must be &. Plug in to our blog: A&W Unplugged ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: