> Oh Dave, you're such a literalist and a pessimist.

I'm neither, but you'll just have to take my word for that.

> I disagree with what you said about reducing complexity. Reducing the number
> of methods in a component and reducing the number of lines in a file, does
> reduce the complexity of the file, which can be a serious problem in a lot
> of applications. If the file is getting unwieldy and excessively large,
> splitting out functionality (in a logical way) is always a good
> idea. However it does add another complexity of having more files.

So, if you reduce complexity in one place by moving it to another
place, does that necessarily reduce complexity? I don't think so. It
boils down to how you move things from one file to another. I think
you probably agree with that.

Trust me when I say I'm well aware of the problems of having too much
in a single file - I regularly have to work with files of up to 4,500
lines simply because I have no choice in the weird, wacky environment
I'm working in. But it's not as simple as "lots of little files are
collectively less complex than fewer larger files".

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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