Has anyone successfully created a ColdFusion project that sends a SAML
Response to Google Apps?


I have nearly completed a project that decodes the SAML Request from
Google, authenticates with the local directory, and submits a SAML
Response back. However, Google Apps states that it could not parse the
response. Using the SimpleSAML debug Web page [1], I am able to
successfully decode my response. Since that works, I suspected the
certificate signing. As per directions from other sources [2-4] I use
the Apache Santuario Java libraries. From what I can tell, it seems to
be working fine. I've even signed the response several ways, such as
just the Response, just the Assertion, and both. I've been discussing
this on the Google Dev forums [5] but the official Googlers don't seem
to have access to the logs that say exactly why it can't parse the
Response. Wish Google would say what specifically it doesn't like...


Thanks for any help/feedback!

~ Ryan



[1] https://rnd.feide.no/simplesaml/module.php/saml2debug/debug.php 

[2] http://dragonsaber.blogspot.com/2009/09/coldfusion-saml-part-1.html 

[3] http://dragonsaber.blogspot.com/2010/01/coldfusion-saml-part-2.html 

[4] http://dragonsaber.blogspot.com/2010/04/coldfusion-saml-part-3.html 


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