
In that case, I can't help you... Have you posted the issue on the forums of

An other help might be the Mura Show next wednesday, where you can ask your 
question directly to the developers of Mura itself...

On 15 Aug 2011, at 21:38, Matt Quackenbush wrote:

> Guust,
> Thanks for the reply.  I should have specified that the images we are
> uploading have nothing to do with a gallery or anything like that.  They are
> *not* being uploaded via the Site Manager, but rather the File Manager.
> Additionally, they are being uploaded completely outside of the site folder,
> and are referenced only by CSS rules.  This is why we want them to be left
> alone.
> I should also clarify that the "full size" image is indeed being scaled
> during the upload process, which is the crux of the issue for us.  For
> example, if I upload an image with dimensions of say, 750x1900, the
> full-size image is being redrawn and scaled to about 450x1200.
> On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 2:29 PM, Guust Nieuwenhuis <> wrote:
>> Matt,
>> The default layout of a page is that it shows the 'medium size' image and
>> when you click on it, it will show the full size image.
>> If you don't want that 'medium size' image to be display, you have to
>> overwrite the default layout of a page. Let me know if this is the case for
>> you, then I'll explain how you can do this.
>> Kind regards,
>> Guust Nieuwenhuis
>> On 15 Aug 2011, at 21:18, Matt Quackenbush wrote:
>>> I'm hoping that another Mura CMS user sees this and can point me in the
>>> right direction.  I've done a lot of things attempting to solve this
>> issue,
>>> but none have had any affect.
>>> *The Issue*
>>> When using Mura's File Manager to upload an image, the image is resized
>>> (scaled), and an additional thumbnail is created.
>>> While I don't necessarily care about the thumbnail creation (other than
>>> wasted server space, which is cheap anyways), I *need* for images to be
>>> uploaded and have them left completely alone.  No resizing.  No scaling.
>> No
>>> manipulation at all.
>>> *Vain Attempts to Rectify the Issue*
>>> - I have gone into config/settings.ini.cfm and changed 'sourceimagescale'
>> to
>>> an obscene number.
>>> - I have gone into site settings (images tab) and changed the settings
>> there
>>> to obscene numbers.
>>> I am guessing that there is something super simple somewhere that I am
>>> missing, but for whatever reason I am missing it nonetheless.  Any
>>> thoughts/advice/tips/tutorials/blog posts/etc would be greatly
>> appreciated!
>>> Thanks in advance.  :-)

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