If you're to evacuate, do it now. Copy the code and your database to a USB key 
or your laptop. 

When you get somewhere that has Internet access, it's a lot simpler than you'd 
think. Go to aws.amazon.com, setup an account. Create an micro or small EC2 
instance running Windows - look for an AMI that runs SQL Server Express.

It'll take a few minutes to spin up, but once it does, you RDP in - you set up 
CF and your database like you would on any other server. 

Billy Cravens

On Aug 27, 2011, at 4:29 PM, Al Musella, DPM wrote:

>   Hate to ask - I know I am supposed to google first - but I am 
> under a mandatory evacuation - have to leave by 5pm.. (half hour 
> ago:)..  I did google and couldn't find a succinct way.
> DO you know of a simple guide to  setting up a cold fusion website 
> under Amazon? Bonus points for including sql server:)
> Al
> At 05:56 AM 8/27/2011, you wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 7:49 PM, Al Musella, DPM wrote:
>>> Luckily, people will understand down time due to a hurricane.. not
>>> too worried about a few minutes of data loss - I have a way to
>>> recover in case there is a loss...
>> Sounds like you could get away with synchronizing your database
>> transaction logs to somewhere with rsync. That easily keeps your data
>> loss under 10 minutes and if you have a prepared AMI/VPS image
>> somewhere you could be up and running again in 15 minutes. Just make
>> sure your DNS TTL is low enough for that.
>>> when anything in this patient registry  is added or updated,
>>> I  send an email to my gmail account with  the old and new
>>> data  (encrypting any person info)... so if worst case happens, I can
>>> manually go back and fix things.
>> But that only works if the email is not spooled on your local system.
>> So you need to both disable the disk mail spool and use a remote SMTP
>> server.
>> Jochem
>> --
>> Jochem van Dieten
>> http://jochem.vandieten.net/

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