Thanks guys! I appreciate the information!

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Russ Michaels <> wrote:
> you do not need to use the c:\inetpub\wwwroot, this is just where windows
> stores the default website.
> Thus anything you put in here will also be accessible via the default
> website, so bear that in mind.
> Usually you would put each site in a subdirectory
> E.G.
> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\\wwwroot
> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\\wwwroot
> but you can put your sites anywhere, so if you have multiple drives, then
> why not stick your sites there.
> d:\wwwroot\\wwwroot
> d:\wwwroot\\wwwroot
> You should also bear in mind that if you are just creating sites and using
> default permissions, then any other CGI based scripting you may be using
> such as PHP or ASP will have full read/execute and maybe write access on
> every site. You need to run every site under its own user context to avoid
> this and give that user permissions only on his own folder.
> When managing multiple sites you are better off using a hosting control
> panel to do this as it handles all that for you.
> With CF this does not count as CFML pages run under the context of the
> ColdFusion service (system by default) so permissions are controlled by your
> security sandboxes in the cfadmin.
> --
> Russ Michaels
>  : Business hosting services & solutions
>        : ColdFusion developer community
>           : my blog
>             : ColdFusion search engine
> **
> *skype me*                     : russmichaels

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