> I have a COM object I am calling with cfobject, that works fine, no errors.
> however I don't seem to get any data back from it, I am expecting XML, but
> if I cfdump the result it just seems to be an empty object.
> getmetaData(object) also doesn't show me anything useful, just a bunch of
> default java methods.
> Also cannot cfloop over the collection either, that result sin an error.
> Not really done anything with COM object before so perhaps I am
> just missing something.

The object generally won't have anything in it that you can access
directly. You need to call the appropriate method of the object (which
may or may not appear when you CFDUMP the object itself). Do you have
the documentation for the object? Do you have a code sample showing
how to invoke the object from MS environments (VB, etc)?

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
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