<!--- [ js version of cf variables ] --->
     <cfset   js_sitename          =  application.sitename          />
     <cfset   js_website           =  application.website           />
     <cfset   js_site_manager_dsn  =  application.site_manager_dsn  />
     <cfset   js_client_dsn        =  application.client_dsn        />
          <script type="text/javascript">
               var  js_sitename          =  '#js_sitename#';
               var  js_website           =  '#js_website#';
               var  js_site_manager_dsn  =  '#js_site_manager_dsn#';
               var  js_client_dsn        =  '#js_client_dsn#';

It seems that no matter how I try to do it, either putting js directly
into an application.cfc or either using a cfinclude in an
onRequest function, the js can't be processed along with the other
code in the application.cfc.

I'm trying to locate all variables for a site in one place (part of
an MSOC design.


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