Not to mention that $20 an hour is still a pretty damn good wage
comparitively. Better than making $6.50 flipping burgers at McDonalds.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald Guido [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 9:12 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: 20USD/Hour Seriously?

Not to start a flame war But there are 14 million ppl out of work in the US.
Many who have been out of a job for over a year.

I would imagine there are a few CF'ers/PHP'ers/Insert your stack here, etc.
who have been out of work long enough to be hurting enough to take any work
that they can get. I have been there even in good economic times when I was
self employed.

To quote Bob and Doug, $10 is $10 eh?

I agree with Sean and Matt but there are others that are not as fortunate to
have a CV as impressive as theirs.

Flame on Garth,

My $0.02 and worth every penny

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 9:38 PM, Sean Corfield

> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 6:38 PM, Steve 'Cutter' Blades 
> <> wrote:
> > He may have been referring to a poster to the cf-jobs list, who 
> > offered their services (and claimed better than average knowledge) at
> > Horrific when someone undervalues their services so much. Even worse 
> > when they undervalue everyone else's by making a post like that.
> Yes, I saw that cf-jobs post. The guy has posted fairly often in the 
> past, pushing himself as an experienced CFer for various rates i.r.o.
> $20/hour.
> Consulting groups tend to go in between $150/hour and $200/hour - 
> sometimes even more - and even with their cut, $85/hour is about the 
> least I've seen good CFers getting that way... more usually they get 
> over $100/hour.
> > Good CF devs are a valuable commodity. Great (available) CF devs a 
> > rare commodity. Don't sell yourself, and everyone else, short.
> Absolutely. Accepting a below market rate devalues everyone's work.
> --
> Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
> An Architect's View -- World Singles, LLC. -- 
> Railo Technologies, Inc. -- 
> "Perfection is the enemy of the good."
> -- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)

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