Only onApplicationStart currently.

I thought about using onRequestStart, but it needs to
always be on the page, anyway, so I thought I'd do it once
in the onApplicationStart routine.

Is that a problem?

Oh, wait... do you mean every "page request" or every
AJAX "request" for data?

-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Michaels [] 
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 8:00 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Code from cfhtmlhead showing up in jQuery AJAX JSON data

it is only happening onApplicationstart or is it being inserted into
every request ?


On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 12:31 PM, Rick Faircloth
<> wrote:
> Ok... something to talk about besides $20/hr (which may look
> really good, depending on how hungry you are...)
> I recently started using cfhtmlhead in onApplicationStart to put
> the following CF/JS in the head of each page to translate my CF
> site variables to JS:
> <cfset  js_sitename           =   application.sitename            />
> <cfset  js_website            =             />
> <cfset  js_site_manager_dsn   =   application.site_manager_dsn    />
> <cfset  js_client_dsn         =   application.client_dsn          />
> <cfoutput>
>    <script>
>        var js_sitename             =   '#js_siteName#';
>        var js_website              =   '#js_website#';
>        var js_site_manager_dsn     =   '#js_site_manager_dsn#';
>        var js_client_dsn           =   '#js_client_dsn#';
>    </script>
> </cfoutput>
> However, I just coded a page to load its content via jQuery AJAX
> which accesses a CFC method which uses cfSaveContent to generate
> the page.s HTML and then saves that to a document, which is then loaded
> via jQuery AJAX.
> After cfSaveContent does its thing, I send a 'Success' message
> in JSON back to the AJAX call.  But this wasn't working.  I've written
> this routine hundreds of times, so I know nothing was wrong with the
> AJAX code.
> It turns out that the JS above in between the two <cfoutput>'s was
> being sent back in the JSON, which was causing the message being sent
> back to the AJAX call to not just be 'Success', which would trigger
> the page HTML loading.
> Why would the above JS show up in the JSON data and what can I do about
> it?  Taking the cfhtmlhead functionality out of the application.cfc's
> onApplicationStart routine and putting it manually in the head of the
> document solved the problem, but I enjoyed being able to insert the
> variable routine into the head of each page automatically.
> Thoughts?  Suggestions?
> For $20 an hour? :o)
> Rick

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