Hi All,

I'm having a  bit of  a disconnect and wondering if anyone can help??

The SMS Gateway sample app that comes in CF Admin is a menu based app
where the user enters a key and hits "Send"...then the next level of the
menu is shown and the user can once again enter the letter that
corresponds with the menu item they want to select.

What I'm hoping I can do is bypass all of that and simply start the
session by texting "Please enter your name" and then when the user types
something and hits "send", I take what they entered and perform some
action against it and then send a text back asking another question (or
telling them their entry was invalid).

I just can't seem to find a way to call a method in a CFC other than
using the menu framework and defining the key the user should press to
perform the next action....I don't want them to navigate  a menu by
pressing keys....just enter requested text and hit send.

I feel like I'm missing something horribly obvious....so I've come to
the list for some wisdom and smackdown ;-)



On Thu, 2011-09-29 at 11:26 -0700, Bryan Stevenson wrote:

> Thanks again Paul....and yes it is time I RTFM ;-) (no offence
> taken....I know I should)
> Diving into the code today...so it's time!!
> Cheers
> On Thu, 2011-09-29 at 08:36 +0700, Paul Hastings wrote:
> > On 9/29/2011 1:28 AM, Bryan Stevenson wrote:
> > > So I suppose I could just re-point the existing SMS Gateway (the runs
> > > the demo app) to point at my CFCs?
> > 
> > yes.
> > 
> > > Which leads me to ask about how to interact with a specific Gateway if
> > > more than one is entered into CF Admin?  I assume by some sort of
> > > Gateway identifier?
> > 
> > different types (SMS, messaging, asynch, etc.) with instances of each type, 
> > each 
> > instance uniquely named.
> > 
> > your cfdocs should have "ColdFusion Event Gateway Reference" section as 
> > well as 
> > "Using the SMS Event Gateway" in the developing cf apps section. read 
> > those, 
> > it's not all that hard (like everything else in cf).
> > 
> > 

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