I am having the same issue, has anyone figured out a solution for this?

> I'm doing the following:
> <cfheader statuscode="301" statustext="Moved permanently">
> <cfheader name="Location" value="#SomeNewURL#">
> It produces a 302 status code
> So I tried
> <cfheader statuscode="301" statustext="Moved 
> permanently#Chr(13)##Chr(10)#Location:#SomeNewURL#">
> <cfheader name="Location" value="#SomeNewURL#">
> Finally I tried
> <cflocation url="#SomeNewURL#" statuscode="301" addtoken="false">
> ALL produced 302 status codes .. has anyone figured this out - did 
> some searching without luck.
> Thanks in advance
> Paul Giesenhagen
> Quill Design
> http://www.quilldesign.com

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