Hi Dave,

I am familiar with form protect, nice solution.

However, these emails can be anywhere in a body of text created with the
CMS.  (fckeditor/ntext.)

I'm playing with this roughly coded idea:-

<cfset myContent = "you can see my email address myem...@home.com is inside
a string">
Before: #myContent#<br>
<cfloop from="1" to="#listlen(myContent," ")#" index="I">
<cfif isvalid("email",listgetat(myContent, I, " "))>
<cfset myEmail = #listgetat(myContent, I, " ")#>
<cfset temp = "#encrypt(myEmail,'ukasfp')#">
<cfset temp = urlencodedformat(temp)>
<cfset myContent = replace(myContent, myEmail, '<a
href="contact-form-page.cfm?email=#temp#">click here</a>')>
After: #myContent#<br>

But I'm getting spaces in the urlencoded value.  I am thinking it's the
encryption params I'm using?

Jenny Gavin-Wear
Fast Track Online
Tel: 01262 602013

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Dave Watts [mailto:dwa...@figleaf.com]
>>Sent: 15 October 2011 00:39
>>To: cf-talk
>>Subject: Fwd: Hiding email address from spiders
>>> > How about the "honeypot" method
>>> > Anyone have any experience with this highly efficient,
>>> I have used it and several others like it such as naming a
>>hidden form field
>>> emailaddress and  tracking cookies from page to page and other
>>methods and
>>> it does reduce automated bots but does not eliminate them. The bots
>>> generally read a form and then brute force attack it filling out or not
>>> filling out fields to bypass this exact method.  While I fully agree in
>>> principal that the form protection should be transparent the
>>use of a simple
>>> 3-5 characters short and legible captcha has so far been the
>>absolute best
>>> deterrent to automated bots that I have found.
>>Have you used CFFORMPROTECT? I've found that to work very well, with
>>the added bonus that it's not a deterrent to real users the way a
>>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>>Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
>>GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
>>instruction at our training centers, online, or onsit

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