I dont think your ever going to win against a dictionaryophile dave.

Russ Michaels
>From my mobile
On 15 Oct 2011 00:40, "Dave Watts" <dwa...@figleaf.com> wrote:

> > > Just for kicks, I tested this in TextEdit, TextWrangler, and MS Word
> for
> > > Mac 2011
> >
> > Ug. Mac. Now it makes sense. You likely also think black turtle necks are
> > fashionable.
> Actually, I'm not much of a Mac guy, but I do have to support them,
> and it's what I had in front of me at the time. Today, I have MS Word
> 2010 on Windows 7, which also recognizes it as a word.
> >  If we're talking about the way it's cited in the "evidence" then I'd
> replace it
> > perhaps with instinct, strong hunch, belief or intuition.
> But none of those words really provide the same meaning. It does have
> a fairly specific meaning.
> > There's another five minutes I'll never get back. I'm such a sucker for
> Troll bait.
> Perhaps you should consult your dictionary. There's no trolling going
> on here on either side, just off-topic arguing.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> http://www.figleaf.com/
> http://training.figleaf.com/
> Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
> GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite

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