
Thank you. Have you run both CF and ASP.NET on the same sever? 

I am trying to install a web program that we bought from a
vendor(written in ASP.NET). After installation I encountered "http error
404.17 - not found". I contacted the vendor and they said it would not
work if both are on the same web server. Here is what they said:

Cold Fusion is a web application framework that is installed on a web
server.  It allows a developer to build web sites using a simple set of
tools and those websites, instead of running directly on the web server,
run on top of the Cold Fusion components installed on the server.
ASP.NET is the basic web application framework built into Windows 2003
and Windows 2008 servers.  In IIS, there is a configuration file that
defines the basic settings of ASP.NET.  This configuration file (called
the "machine.config") is not to be tampered with generally.
Unfortunately, when Cold Fusion is installed, this configuration file is
altered drastically.  Several core sections in the file are removed or
changed and some new sections are added.  This renders most newer
ASP.NET web applications unable to run on the same server.  If these
sections in this machine.config file are put back to their default
state, then the ASP.NET applications will run just fine but Cold Fusion
will no longer function.


-----Original Message-----

From: Dave Watts [mailto:dwa...@figleaf.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 2:52 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: runing CF and ASP.NET on the same web server (IIS 6)

> If I set up a ASP.NET site along with my CF site under wwwroot, do I
> need to do anything special, or on separate port?

No, as long as CF is configured to use IIS. Of course, if either
application has resource contention issues, you might see them earlier
with both applications active.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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