it installed but installed incorrectly..
The bin folder is in slserver54 but the service points to slserver52..
I modified the registry to point to slserver54 but get an error when trying
to launch the service..
something like 'could not start the service, no error was returned, if you
continue to experience this contact your system administrator'

I'm copying the db folder from CF8 and will try again, I don't know what
else to do.

On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 2:33 PM, Dave Watts <> wrote:

> > I'm trying to follow this page:
> >
> >
> >
> > However the directory doesn't exist on our production server..
> > I copied it from our dev directory to prod..
> Which directory, exactly, doesn't exist on your production server?
> > The page mentions running a CF template:
> >
> > <!--- set this to the location of your cfusion directory --->
> > <cfset cfusionHome="C:\CFusionMX7">
> > <!--- install sequelink --->
> > <cftry>
> > <cfexecute      name="#cfusionHome#\db\SequeLink Setup\Setup.exe"
> > arguments='!TargetDir="#cfusionHome#" !DoDNS=true'></cfexecute>
> > <cfregistry    action="set"    branch
> > ="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\Install Data\ColdFusion MX"
> >  entry="SqlLink"    type="String"
> > value="#cfusionHome#\db\slserver54">
> > <cfcatch type="Any">
> > <cfoutput>
> > <font color="red">Error Occurred:</font>
> > #cfcatch.message#<br>#cfcatch.detail#<p>
> > </cfoutput>
> > </cfcatch>
> > </cftry>
> >
> > Is there a way I can manually run the setup in a command line to get the
> > same results?
> >
> > Double clicking on setup.exe yields an Install Shield that never goes
> away
> Sure. Navigate to the directory in question, then type 'setup.exe
> !TargetDir="your_cf_directory_goes_here" !DoDNS=true'. At least,
> that's what it looks like it should be to me.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
> GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers, online,

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