I suggest everyone read the article behind the link Mike posted.

No offence Mike, but you may have paraphrased a little too much there
(or it's my own interpretation) ;-)

I read it as Flexhas NOT been adondonded and will continue on for some
time....some of the Flex SDK engineers will be part of the open source

Flash Builder 4.6 will be upgraded to work with new versions of the SDK.

Nice catchy subject though....good for trolling and flame wars....got me
to read ;-)


On Mon, 2011-11-14 at 15:18 -0500, Mike Chabot wrote:

> Adobe announced this week that they are ending their commitment to
> further Flex development. Flex 4.6 will likely be the last version
> Adobe releases and the Flex SDK engineers will be reassigned to HTML 5
> projects. Future Flex development will come from the open source
> community.
> The announcement is here:
> http://blogs.adobe.com/flex/2011/11/your-questions-about-flex.html
> A petition asking the Adobe CEO to step down is here:
> http://www.change.org/petitions/adobe-systems-shantanu-narayen-to-step-down-as-ceo
> -Mike

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