Try setting generator="native" instead.
On Dec 3, 2011 9:10 PM, "Bobby Hartsfield" <> wrote:

> I've finally been playing around with ORM lately and I've hit an issue that
> I'm having a hard time finding answers for on Google. Hopefully someone
> here
> knows what the deal.
> Below is a very basic "person" app with one component (outside of app.cfc)
> and a small index.cfm
> The error I'm seeing is:
> this id generator generates long, integer, short
> Root cause this id
> generator generates long, integer, short
> Basically, I read a xls doc of first and last names and (attempt to) load
> it
> into a tblPeople table.
> The above error happens in inde.cfm when entitySave(obj) is triggered. I
> can
> comment out " entitySave(obj);" and not get any errors.
> There are only about 3000 records in people.xls and tblPeople doesn't exist
> yet.
> It is a new, basic install of CF9 on server 2003.
> This worked earlier but I was using the old style <cfcomponent /> tags in
> person.cfc
> hopefully I'm just missing something obvious to someone else.
> Any help appreciated here.
> Thanks
> <cfset ormReload() />
> <cfspreadsheet action="read" src="#expandPath('.')#\people.xls"
> query="sheet" headerrow="1" />
> <cfloop query="sheet" startrow="2">
> <cfscript>
>                obj = EntityNew("person");
>                obj.setPersonFname(sheet["personFname"][sheet.currentRow]);
>                obj.setPersonLname(sheet["personLname"][sheet.currentRow]);
>                entitySave(obj);
> </cfscript>
> </cfloop>
> component persistent="true" table="tblpeople"
> {
>                property name="personId" fieldtype="id"
> generator="increment";
>                property name="personFname";
>                property name="personLname";
> }
> component
> {
>       = "personTest";
>                this.ormenabled = "true";
>                this.datasource = "peopleTest";
>                this.ormsettings={dbcreate="update", logsql="true"};
>                this.ormsettings.savemapping = false;
>                this.clientmanagement="false";
>                this.sessionmanagement="true";
>                this.sessiontimeout="#createtimespan(0,0,1,0)#";
>                this.applicationtimeout="#createtimespan(0,0,1,0)#";
> }
> .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
> Bobby Hartsfield

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