The poster asked about getting a text value, so obviously he was using
a xpath search that matched one value. So... don't do it on ones that
would return multiple. You can use functions on multiple things
though. For example:

<cfxml variable="test">

<cfset r = xmlSearch(test, "sum(//employee/salary)")>
<cfdump var="#r#">

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:
> But what happens if there is more than one node that matches your
> search?  Searches expect to return one or more results, which is why
> it returns an array. Trying to turn what may be a complex result into
> a simple string with no logic seems like an unstable approach, unless
> I'm misunderstanding the question (which happens plenty).
> Instead, I'd write a UDF called FirstXMLNodeText or some some such
> that you pass an XPath value to along with an xml doc and then have it
> return the XmlText of the first array result returned.
> What you are doing with the array is correct, in my opinion. If it is
> too much typing and you are doing it a lot, build a function to do it.
> Cheers,
> Judah
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 1:56 PM, Raymond Camden <> 
> wrote:
>> You can use functions to get values:
>> <cfxml variable="test">
>> <employee>
>>  <startDate>09-09-2009</startDate>
>> </employee>
>> </cfxml>
>> <cfset r = xmlSearch(test, "string(//employee/startDate)")>
>> <cfdump var="#r#">
>> Docs:
>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Dominic Watson
>> <> wrote:
>>> It's getting old in the tooth and could do with some JavaLoader love,
>>> but this project can help with that sorta thing:
>>> Dominic
>>> On 7 December 2011 21:09, Christophe Maso <> wrote:
>>>> Is there any way to get the "09-09-2009" string using xmlSearch() for the 
>>>> below xml?
>>>> <employee>
>>>>   <startDate>09-09-2009</startDate>
>>>> </employee>
>>>> I've been doing something like this, which is a real pain:
>>>> arrDate = xmlSearch(xml, "//employee/startDate");
>>>> strDate = arrDate[1].XmlText;
>>>> It seems that xmlSearch() must always return an array and is unable to 
>>>> return a string, which makes sense, but using the above code has gotten 
>>>> old, real fast.

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