Sorry to bother you folks with what is likely to be a very primitive problem
but I've poured over my copy of "Mastering ColdFusion 5" with no success.

I have a list of categories which is queried from a table called Categories.
I have another table called products and it shares a common field named
Category with the Categories table. 
In the template that displays the list of categories, I would like to
include a parenthesis after the category name that displays the number of
products entered in the products table with that category name.

Here are the queries I'm using that aren't working. I can get the list of
categories but the product count stops after one category.

<CFQUERY name="GetCategories" dataSource="XYZ">
        SELECT Categories.ID, Categories.CATEGORY, Categories.RANK,
Categories.CATEGORY AS ID_Field
        FROM Categories
        ORDER BY Categories.RANK

<CFQUERY name="GetProducts" dataSource="XYZ">
        SELECT Products.ID, Products.CATEGORY
        FROM Products
        WHERE Products.CATEGORY = "#GetCategories.Category#"

<cfinclude template="Header.htm">
<table align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr>
<td align="center"><h3>Browse by Category:</h3></td></tr>
<cfoutput query="GetCategories">
<a href="productitems.cfm?RecordID=#ID_Field#">#Category#</a>


<cfinclude template="Footer.htm">

I'm using MySQL 3.51 and CF5.0

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